Mary Robinson delivered a keynote speech at the Creative Responses to Climate Change: a Marketplace for Ideas conference in Trinity…
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Support the Right to Development
Each year, at the One Young World Summit, the Mary Robsinson Climate Justice Award is presented to a young leader…
The One Young World Summit is taking place in the Hague this week. Thousands of young leaders from global and…
The One Young World 2018 took place in The Hague, the Netherlands. Mary Robinson addressed delegates on the human dimensions…
Following the release of International Panel on Climate Change’s special report on 1.5oC of Global Warming, Mary Robinson presented at…
The IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5oC, released today, heralds the end of the fossil fuel era. We…
On 13 July 2018 Governments agreed on landmark text for the Global Compact for Safe,Orderly and Regular Migration (the Global…
Speaking at the 2018 Development Matters Lecture Series, which the IIEA is co-hosting with Irish Aid Mary Robinson discussed the struggle to…
On Monday 25th June Mary Robinson delivered the opening keynote address at the World Community Development Conference held in the…
On Monday 25th June Mary Robinson delivered the opening keynote address at the World Community Development Conference held in the…