“Poor countries and peoples face an even greater challenge in the fight against hunger because of the extra burden arising…
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Closing remarks and key messages by Mary Robinson at the Hunger – Nutrition – Climate Justice 2013 Conference, 16 April 2013. 2013.02.16_HNCJ_Mary-Robinson-Outlines-Key-Messages-from-HNCJ
In Ethiopia, a local-level participatory planning approach has ensured success for social protection schemes that provide payment in exchange for…
A project explaining seasonal forecasting to farmers in central Senegal built common ground between scientific forecasting and traditional knowledge helped farmers…
In erosion- and drought-prone Nyando, self-help groups affiliated to large umbrella bodies are working with extension agents, researchers and development partners to…
In erosion- and drought-prone Nyando, self-help groups affiliated to large umbrella bodies are working with extension agents, researchers and development…
Switching from a wood-fuelled cooking fire to a biogas flame saves trees and time, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and prevents…
Pastoralists in Jinst, Mongolia, have faced both climate-related shocks (such as droughts and winter freezes — dzuds) and rapid economic…
In the Philippines, a grassroots organisation (DAMPA) has helped vulnerable communities in flood-prone urban areas tackle issues of food insecurity,…
Agricultural researchers, NGOs and farmers in Malawi have pooled their knowledge and resources to develop and distribute new vitamin-enriched and…