MRFCJ position paper on intergenerational equity, published on International Youth Day 2015.MRFCJPositionPaper_MeetingtheNeedsofFutureGenerations_12August2015
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Briefs and Position Paper
Research on the possibility of achieving zero poverty while phasing out carbon emissions, commissioned by the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice (short…
Research on the possibility of achieving zero poverty while phasing out carbon emissions, commissioned by the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice2015-02-05-Zero-Carbon-Zero-Poverty-the-Climate-Justice-Way
Briefing Paper drafted for the purpose of informing the Climate Justice Dialogue on 7 February 2015, co-hosted by the OHCHR…
Author: Professor Henry Shue, Senior Research Fellow and Professor Emeritus of Politics and International Relations at Merton College, University of…
Author: Ravi Kanbur, T. H. Lee Professor of World Affairs, Cornell University. Climate Justice Principle: Transformative Power of Education. This…
Five case studies illustrating how developing countries are using available financial resources to fund ground-breaking, community based climate action. These…
The research summarised in this booklet is the product of an extensive survey conducted by the Foundation to assess the…
In this position paper on Human Rights and Climate Change, the Foundation looks at approaches taken to human rights and climate…
In this position paper on intergenerational equity, the Foundation outlines the moral imperative to ambitiously tackle the crisis of climate…