The Foundation is happy to announce the publication of The Geography of Climate Justice – a resource designed for Transition year and GCSE level students who are studying Geography, Environmental Studies or Social Studies.
The resource, which looks through the lens of climate justice at how climate change impacts on people differently depending on their geographical location, has been produced by the Geographical Sciences Committee of the Royal Irish Academy with support from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Foundation.
The resource explains why the geography of climate justice is important using existing research reports and visual maps. It also outlines how climate change is already affecting people differently across the globe by looking at climate change vulnerability in Africa.
Case studies are also provided to illustrate ways in which vulnerable groups are responding to the challenges of climate change. Exercises and actions are included to help students think about their contribution to climate change and how they might support the development of a more just approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
The Geography of Climate Justice – An Introductory Resource [12 pages, 1.13mb]