
Mary Robinson receives LexisNexis Rule of Law Award

Mary Robinson was one of three recipients of the inaugural LexisNexis Rule of Law Awards at an event hosted by LexisNexis in association with the Atlantic Council in New York City on 19 September 2013.

Mary Robinson was one of three recipients of the inaugural LexisNexis Rule of Law Awards at an event hosted by…

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The importance for business to be cognisant of the needs of future generations was highlighted by Mary Robinson when she spoke at the UNICEF Global Workshop ‘Child Rights and Business: Innovation and Action’, held recently in New York.

The importance for business to be cognisant of the needs of future generations was highlighted by Mary Robinson when she…

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Hans Joachim Schellnhuber is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for climate Impact Reseach (PIK). He is also a High Level Advisory Committee Member of the Climate Justice Dialogue.

The Climate Justice Dialogue is a World Resources Institute (WRI) and Mary Robinson Foundation-Climate Justice (MRFCJ) Initiative. Find out more…

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Equitable and ambitious action must be taken on tackling the crisis of climate change, Mary Robinson told the Panel of Experts on Climate Leadership, Marshall Islands.

Equitable and ambitious action must be taken in order to avoid reaching a tipping point where people will no longer…

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Governments and the private sector will need to work closely together if modern energy services are to be provided to the 1.3 billion people in the world who are currently without them, Mary Robinson told a roundtable discussion recently.

Governments and the private sector will need to work closely together if modern energy services are to be provided to…

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