
Mary Robinson delivered remarks at the closing plenary of the second annual United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights on 4 December 2013 in Geneva.

Mary Robinson delivered remarks at the closing plenary of the second annual United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights…

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Videos from the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance Workshop in advance of the CCDA-III, October 2013. The workshop was convened under the Climate Justice Dialogue, with support from the Climate Development and Knowledge Network

These videos were recorded during the Pan African Climate Justcie Alliance Workshop in advance of CCDA-III in October 2013. The…

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In this blog on the relationship between mitigation. adaptation and loss and damage, Dr Tara Shine outlines some of the possible approaches to addressing these linked issues and highlights the need for political leadership.

In this blog on the relationship between mitigation. adaptation and loss and damage, Dr Tara Shine, Head of Research and…

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Gender: Vision 50/50

Mary Robinson took part in a panel discussion on gender and climate change at the UNFCCC event Gender: Vision 50/50, which took place as part of events to mark Gender Day (November 19) at COP19.

Mary Robinson took part in a panel discussion on gender and climate change at the UNFCCC event Gender: Vision 50/50,…

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"By facilitating the transition to a low-carbon economy, businesses provide a remedy for future generations"

For centuries business has been innovating. It has thrived on new ideas and products which have transformed the lives of…

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Mary Robinson talks about fossil fuels and climate change to ODI

Foundation President Mary Robinson talks to the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) about her Climate Justice Foundation, what to expect from the UN Climate talks in Warsaw and why we need to phase out fossil fuel subsidies.

“We have to move away from fossil fuels and we have to keep the majority of known fossil fuel reserves…

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Political, private sector, youth and women leaders have gathered at COP19 in Warsaw, Poland, at a High Level Leaders’ Breakfast meeting which aimed to leverage their collective power to mobilise demand for an equitable international climate agreement

Political, private sector, youth and women leaders have gathered at COP19 in Warsaw, Poland, at a High Level Leaders’ Breakfast…

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