
The Foundation’s Head of Research and Development Tara Shine presented on the topic of participation as it relates to Article 6 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice was represented at the June 2014 session of climate change negotiations in Bonn…

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Climate change is a development issue and forces us to consider a transformation in global actions, Mary Robinson told a workshop addressing global warming and the post 2015 Development Framework recently.

Climate change is a development issue and forces us to consider a transformation in global actions, Mary Robinson told a…

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Event discusses: How can we make sure world leaders take the bold action needed to tackle climate change – and what can young people do to spark political momentum?

How can we make sure world leaders take the bold action needed to tackle climate change – and what can…

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Marvin Nala is a Campaigner for Greenpeace East Asia, focusing on the north western region of China. He is also a High Level Advisory Committee Member of the Climate Justice Dialogue.

The Climate Justice Dialogue is a World Resources Institute (WRI) and Mary Robinson Foundation-Climate Justice (MRFCJ) Initiative. Find out more…

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Writing for the Huffington Post on behalf of The Elders, Jimmy Carter and Mary Robinson urge youth movements to create political momentum in the run-up to a major climate conference in Paris in December 2015.

Writing for the Huffington Post on behalf of The Elders, Jimmy Carter and Mary Robinson urge youth movements to create…

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A new website, launched with the cooperation of the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice and the World Resources Institute, now gives you the chance to show your support for climate justice.

A new website, launched with the cooperation of the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice and the World Resources Institute,…

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Members of the High Level Advisory Committee to the Climate Justice Dialogue (HLAC) joined Lord Nicholas Stern, Chair of the Grantham Research Institute, for a public lecture in the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) on 13 March 2014

Members of the High Level Advisory Committee to the Climate Justice Dialogue (HLAC) joined Lord Nicholas Stern, Chair of the…

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Tweet summary of reaction to IPCC WG3 report

On 31 March, 2014, Mary Robinson isinsued a statement outling her reaction to the publication of the report of Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The following Twitter summary highlights the reaction to the statement

[View the story “Statement by Mary Robinson on publication of IPCC AR5 WGII” on Storify]