Professor Jane Grimson
Professor Grimson is a chartered engineer, and a former Dean of Engineering and of Research, at University of Dublin, Trinity College. She served as Vice-Provost from 2001-2005 and was inaugurated as Pro-Chancellor in 2017. A recipient of the O’Moore Medal in 2007 for contribution to the field of health informatics in Ireland, she is a member of the Royal Irish Academy and Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineering, and the Royal Academy of Engineering. She is a past President of Engineers Ireland (formerly the Institution of Engineers of Ireland), the Irish Computer Society, Irish Computer Society and the Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland. She was a member of the Board of Science Foundation Ireland and chaired the Irish Council for Science, Engineering and Technology and is currently a trustee of the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice and a board member of the Health Research Board and currently chairs the Gender Equality Task Force at the NUI Galway.